Your best quick and easy resource for all things wind and wave related is www.ikitesurf.com
Our North Wind Spot – Belle River
Our South Wind Sport – Mitchell’s Bay
Our East Wind Wave Spot – Erieau
(wind with any south in it has an onshore component for wind sports)
Kettle Point, Lake Huron – Our best Wave Spot (W & NW winds)
Windsor – Extended Forecast – good for planning your week
From 30 yrs of windsurfing and kiteboarding the area.
- North Winds: Belle River go there only before 11 am or after 5pm, the wind dies ALWAYS in the afternoon!
- South Winds: Metro is a thermal wind! doesn’t pick up till after 1pm!
- Lake Erie: East winds rock at Cedar beach 10-15 or more E or SE forecast alway turns out windier and is ALMOST always kitable!
- Lake Erie: Stupid cold water in the spring, wind doesn’t pick up till 4-5 pm!!! Metro is always windier on S and SW winds! Beware if air is 15F or more degrees warmer than air temp.
- Lake Erie: Thermals in June – August (water 55-70F) 12 – 4 pm every day when the forecast is a light W or NW wind. Very localized wind 16m conditions, only picked up by iKitesurf Kingsville sensor (great for foils as the wind is very steady).
- Belle River: When light N or NE winds forecast (5-15kts) 50% of the time an hour 1-2 hours before dark the wind kicks up to 15-20 kts!
- Lake Erie: Storm and frontal SW winds always best before noon at Cedar and Seacliff beach. Stormy SW’s are always good on Lake Erie.
- Mitchell’s Bay: best spot for S winds. Funnels into bay after 2pm creating localized stronger winds at mouth of bay near islands and boat channel. Try to get upwind as wind is usually lighter closer to the marina.
Kite Spots for each wind direction
- N=Belle River, Kettle Point
- NE=Belle River
- E=Cedar
- SE=Cedar or Metro Beach
- S= Metro, Cedar of Mitchell’s Bay
- SW= Metro, Cedar, SeaCliff or Mitchell’s Bay
- W=Belle River (East Beach!), Cedar, SeaCliff or Mitchells Bay
- NW= Belle River (East Beach), Mitchell’s Bay, Kettle Point